Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today was really fun! We played this pyramid building game that had multiple stages that had to be completed. The stages were things like picking who you wanted to work for you to build your pyramid, and how you wanted to treat your workers food wise and break wise. Every time I thought I finished I ended up having disaster strike or I picked my workers wrong. I was partnered with Abby and we were both struggling through it! We ended up getting our pyramids built around the last 10 minutes of class. Abby was first to get hers built and then about 2 minutes later  finally successfully built mine. We received 8 points out of 10 for credit since we finished in class. The people that finished first (Ricky and Maheer) received 10 out of 10 and the people that finished second (Katie and Nicolette) received 9 out of 10. The rest of the class would recieve 8 out of 10 if we finished in class. If you didn't finish in class you had to play the game at home and take a screen clipping, then place it on our nightly blog. Overall I thought it was a fun day. Tomorrow is our long mod but it will probably be fun. Until then!

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