Monday, February 11, 2013


Today felt really long. Even Western Civ which usually flies by felt pretty long. We talked about the Stone Hedge which is a Megalithic structure and we shared our theories about how we thought it could of got there. I was thinking maybe they layed out the stones and then they somehow got the rock that is on top of the 2 vertical rocks and then they tied ropes to them and hauled them up straight and somehow got them to stay using something that I have no idea about. But I think we settled with the theory that aliens did it. We then watched and discussed 2 power points. One power point was from the text book and the other was from Mr. Schick who made it himself. Honestly I don't really find this chapter very interesting. I found myself wandering off a lot and having to redirect myself. But sometimes I just get a rough start so it will probably get better and more interesting once we get more into the heart of Greece.

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