Sunday, February 24, 2013


Western Civ was really fun on Friday. We had a debate just like the Greeks used to have in their government. The debate was about if the Chinese students should be able to use their translators for the test on Monday or not. I was all for them being able to because it is only fair. If we were in China as American exchange students, we would need our translators. The only reasonable excuse for them not to be able to was that they had been learning the English language ever since they were four. But the argument for that was a lot of the kids in the class had been learning Spanish since they were four and they could never survive in a Spanish school. I think it was ridiculous that people even opposed the idea. It was really selfish. Considering that we sometimes have a hard time figuring out what they are saying, imagine how they feel when our whole class is talking all at the same time. Their were a lot of good arguments and it was an overall great discussion  The overall turnout was everyone voted on behalf of the Chinese students accept for 2 students. It was a pretty intense class.

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