Thursday, May 30, 2013


Exam Review

Guns, Germs, and Steel

  • what did the Papua new Guineans eat...Sago
  • what was wrong with goes bad very quickly and it is not very nutritious
  • What was Jared Diamond's theory on the advancement of civilization...geographic luck
  • how many domesticated animals were there..14...none of these animals lived in Papua New Guinea
Ancient Civilizations

  • First successful civilization...Mesopotamia
  • What are the two main rivers...Tigris and Euphrates
  • Where is it now...Middle East
  • What was the difference between history and prehistory...things started to be written down in prehistory
  • The Sumerians...wrote in cuneiform
  • When you take dry land and water it...irrigation
  • First written laws...laws of Hammurabi

  • What was life surrounded on...the Nile River
  • What was rare about the flowed south to north
  • What was the part of the Nile that had the richest soil...the Delta
  • What were the king of Egypt known as..Pharaohs
  • What were the Egyptian known for building... pyramids
  • When were the most pyramids built...2500 BC (4,500 years ago)
  • What did slaves do...served the wealthy

  • Tarquin the Proud...tyrant
  • What were some differences between Athens and Sparta...Athens had a navy: triremes and Sparta had an army on land
  • Who made the decision to build 200 triremes...Themistocles
  • What was the capital of Greece...Athens
  • What was Athens famous for...the Parthenon
  • Pericles ruled when the Parthenon was built
  • What was the organization of city states who were in it to protect themselves... the Delian league
  • Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey...Homer
  • What was the Iliad about...the Trojan war
  • What was the Odyssey about...a war hero who is trying to get home and running into all of these spectacular beings 
  • The people that predicted what was going to happen in the future...the Oracle
  • The unexamined life is not worth living...Socrates
  • Alexander the Great was 20 when he became king
  • Who was Alexander's father...Philip II
  • Philip II was 32 when he died
  • Who was Alexander the Great's mother...Olympias 
Rome(30 questions)
Middle Ages (125)


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