Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today we finished watching the videos about Tiberius. I think it was really wrong of the senate to have killed him. Even though the power slightly got to his head I don't think he wanted to be kind and dictator. He pretty much wanted what Julius Ceasar did in the future. They both pretty much died for the same reasons. Tiberius was killed because the Senate thought he wanted to be king, and JC died because he declared he was Dictator for life. The only difference is Tiberius didn't actually want to be king. After talking about that we talked about Gauis Gracchus, Tiberius's brother. He tried to follow through with his brother's plans but the senate put a bounty, literally on his head. Whoever brought the head of Gauis would be payed in gold by the weight of how much the head weighed. The person that brought the head in had taken out Gauis's head and filled it with led I think, so he received no reward for trying to cheat.

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