Friday, May 24, 2013


Feudalism- describes the governmental system and the relationship between landowners and warriors

Feudal compact- when a knight pledges his loyalty to a lord and the lord gives the knight some land

Fief- the land that is given to the knight by the lord

Vassal- the honored position the knight held
Knight- the “body guard” of the lord

Homage- a vassal paid homage to their lord- taking their hand and speaking a pledge of loyalty

Serf- they were bound to the land, forced to do back-breaking work such as the iron plow. They were also in charge of internal colonization

Barons- lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king

Peasantry- farmers or serfs- the common people

Estates- there were three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the common people

Manor- Large plantations which were owned by a lord or a lady of the manor

Three-field-system- rotating your crops, so only two fields out of three were actually growing things. The other one was resting.

Internal colonization- when the serfs were put in charge of what to grow and when to grow it

Suburb- the area outside of the walled in city

Guild- a group that was centered around one thing, such as making weapons. People joined it to become experts and buy things from the people inside the group.

Master- the top skilled person In the guild. They would have to create a masterpiece and go through apprenticehood and journeyhood.

Journeyman- a man that was pretty much a student in a gild. He is higher than an apprentice.

Apprentice- an apprentice assisted a master in order to become a master

Masterpiece- a great work of art in whatever craft a master made in a gild

Water mill- a mill...for water

Iron plow- the awesome and amazing tool that farmers used to plow their fields

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