Thursday, May 30, 2013


Exam Review

Guns, Germs, and Steel

  • what did the Papua new Guineans eat...Sago
  • what was wrong with goes bad very quickly and it is not very nutritious
  • What was Jared Diamond's theory on the advancement of civilization...geographic luck
  • how many domesticated animals were there..14...none of these animals lived in Papua New Guinea
Ancient Civilizations

  • First successful civilization...Mesopotamia
  • What are the two main rivers...Tigris and Euphrates
  • Where is it now...Middle East
  • What was the difference between history and prehistory...things started to be written down in prehistory
  • The Sumerians...wrote in cuneiform
  • When you take dry land and water it...irrigation
  • First written laws...laws of Hammurabi

  • What was life surrounded on...the Nile River
  • What was rare about the flowed south to north
  • What was the part of the Nile that had the richest soil...the Delta
  • What were the king of Egypt known as..Pharaohs
  • What were the Egyptian known for building... pyramids
  • When were the most pyramids built...2500 BC (4,500 years ago)
  • What did slaves do...served the wealthy

  • Tarquin the Proud...tyrant
  • What were some differences between Athens and Sparta...Athens had a navy: triremes and Sparta had an army on land
  • Who made the decision to build 200 triremes...Themistocles
  • What was the capital of Greece...Athens
  • What was Athens famous for...the Parthenon
  • Pericles ruled when the Parthenon was built
  • What was the organization of city states who were in it to protect themselves... the Delian league
  • Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey...Homer
  • What was the Iliad about...the Trojan war
  • What was the Odyssey about...a war hero who is trying to get home and running into all of these spectacular beings 
  • The people that predicted what was going to happen in the future...the Oracle
  • The unexamined life is not worth living...Socrates
  • Alexander the Great was 20 when he became king
  • Who was Alexander's father...Philip II
  • Philip II was 32 when he died
  • Who was Alexander the Great's mother...Olympias 
Rome(30 questions)
Middle Ages (125)


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013


Feudalism- describes the governmental system and the relationship between landowners and warriors

Feudal compact- when a knight pledges his loyalty to a lord and the lord gives the knight some land

Fief- the land that is given to the knight by the lord

Vassal- the honored position the knight held
Knight- the “body guard” of the lord

Homage- a vassal paid homage to their lord- taking their hand and speaking a pledge of loyalty

Serf- they were bound to the land, forced to do back-breaking work such as the iron plow. They were also in charge of internal colonization

Barons- lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king

Peasantry- farmers or serfs- the common people

Estates- there were three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the common people

Manor- Large plantations which were owned by a lord or a lady of the manor

Three-field-system- rotating your crops, so only two fields out of three were actually growing things. The other one was resting.

Internal colonization- when the serfs were put in charge of what to grow and when to grow it

Suburb- the area outside of the walled in city

Guild- a group that was centered around one thing, such as making weapons. People joined it to become experts and buy things from the people inside the group.

Master- the top skilled person In the guild. They would have to create a masterpiece and go through apprenticehood and journeyhood.

Journeyman- a man that was pretty much a student in a gild. He is higher than an apprentice.

Apprentice- an apprentice assisted a master in order to become a master

Masterpiece- a great work of art in whatever craft a master made in a gild

Water mill- a mill...for water

Iron plow- the awesome and amazing tool that farmers used to plow their fields

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today was Thursday, our long mod. We went over a feudalism power point. It was pretty interesting. Especially the iron plow. We talked about the classes and we talked about serfs. I found the relationship between a knight and a lord interesting. A knight pledged their allegiance to a lord, serving him until he died or retired. The knight's land would then go to his son or in some special cases, daughters. We talked about the peasantry who were the common people such as serfs and farmer. They didn't have very great lives but they were at least a step up from slaves. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Today was our first class in the week. Monday was freshmen retreat which was really fun and interesting. On Tuesday we do not have class. So today we got out pop quizzes back. I got an 80, so I got one wrong out of five. I was pretty happy about that. The quiz asked questions like who started out in Gaul and is present day France...the Franks. Who was the tribe thats name represented destruction...vandals (vandalism). There was a map, the answer to that question was the Huns, that is the one I got wrong. The group that conquered Rome and took over Spain were the Visigoths. The group that settled in Britain were the Angles and the Saxons. I think I just about covered it!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


My Notes
After Rome (500-700)
Germanic Kingdoms of Europe
-Germanic barbarians...warlords and their families who assimilated into Roman culture because the "nobles" or aristocrats of medieval Europe
-The Angles and the Saxons (from Denmark and northwestern Germany) invaded Britain and assimilated the native Britains
-Most of the Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity in the Seventh century
-the most powerful Germanic tribe was the Franks
- but the real power lay with the "mayor of the palace" who were royal officials and nobles themselves
Eastern Empire
-from Eastern Empire to "Byzantium"
-the Eastern Roman Empire continued on while the west was now divided up by barbarian tribes
-when the emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he decided the reunite the entire Roman Empire by reconquering the western territories
-Justinian succeeded for a while but they were eventually overwhelmed
Its a Christian Empire Now
-Greek Byzantine emperors saw themselves as Roman Emperors and the needs of the Christian Church
-Byzantine preserved Greco-Roman architecture, philosophy ad writing despite much of it being non-Christian
-Justinian built the massive domed Hagia Sophia-the biggest church ever

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am having technical difficulties uploading my power point. I will ask Mr. Schick about it tomorrow.