Monday, April 8, 2013


City-State and Empire: The Roman Republic
Italy and Its People
  • Italy started to grow and become stronger when tribes started moving in with them
  • Little tribes were formed in Italy
  • The Latins settled near Tiber River
  • Eventually Rome was formed by the Latin tribes
  • The Etruscans- non-Indo-European immigrants who came to Italy around the ninth century from the east
  • North of Rome the Etruscans gained control of the territory
  • For a time the Etruscan king conquered and ruled Rome
  • This is where Rome adopted things like gladiatorial combat
The Roman Republic: The Senate and the People
  • The Romans created their own political system
  • Rome's government used to be modeled after the Etruscan's government
  • A senate would advise the king
  • The Senate was made of patricians
  • Patricians- upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  • When a king died, a successor came from the Senate
  • Around 500 B.C., the Etruscan ways were overthrown
  • A republic government took over
  • Republic- in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision-making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens
  • The republic took on neither a Greek-style democracy nor an oligarchy, but an even mixture of both
Patricians and Plebeians
  • Plebians- The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians
  • It had to be hereditary to belong in the Patrician society
  • In the early times of the Republic, it was run by a Senate
  • In the senate their were consuls, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors
  • the point of them was to avoid the government transitioning into a monarchy
  • In times of emergency the Senate could appoint a dictator, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum six-months term during times of emergency.
"Mixed Government"
  • mixed oligarchic and democratic features
  • widely admired
  • ultimate leadership always was in the hands of the Senate

Things to know...
  • The Romans not only imitated Greek civilization but they improved it.
  • Italy was located in the Mediterranean sea, which is the "middle of the earth" so they were known as a very important country.
  • The Latins, Etruscans, and the Greeks came to Italy.
  • Our language came from the Latins.

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