Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today in Western Civilization Mr. Schick announced we are having a quest tomorrow. I think I know the material pretty well so we will see how this goes. We talked about how the rich got richer by taking the patricians farms when all of the men were at war. The Plebians would try to "help" out the Patricians by buying their farms and their lands, and "kindly taking it off their hands." When the men got back from war they would have no choice but to move to Rome with their families if their farms were sold. They went to Rome for more job opportunities. Rome back then was kind of the equivalent to present day New York.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Today was the longest Monday ever for some reason. Every class, except for Western Civ of course, dragged by so slowly. And then some classes I seriously don't even remember. We continued talking about the lyrics, I wrote about another half page of notes. If I wasn't so tired I could tell you what they said, but I forgot my book because I just wanted to leave school today! I don't know why. Well hopefully tomorrow is better. The only downside about tomorrow is no Western Civ though. :(

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Today Mr. Schick gave us the best new that I have heard in a long time. The movie maker project is only extra credit. That is such a relief, but I have mixed emotions. I want to keep working on it but no one in my group wants to do it but me. The work will take forever and I am smack dab in the middle of doing my brain flex for science. I honestly don't know if I'm going to do it. I will work on it this weekend and I will decide then. After Mr. Schick gave us that news we started dissecting the Rome lyrics. I got a full page of notes. it is pretty interesting so far. I didn't understand a lot of the things in Mr. Schick lyrics but now that we are going into it more and I get to write it down things are better. It is going well so far.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today in Lexi, Ricki, Maheer and I worked on the project for the lyric movie. So far I have all my pictures, Lexi almost has all of hers and Ricki and Maheer are..well...getting there. I tried the movie maker but it was really really confusing. The music isn't working right and it is hard to get the timing perfect. Once everyone has all their pictures it will be a lot easier, so I think I'm going to have to wait in order to not draw out the process of making the movie. So far...I don't know what is going to happen. It will be interesting. Well we will see.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in class we started off with a fire drills. The fire drill took FOREVER. Plus it didn't help that it was freezing outside and we had to stand their for like years! After the fire drill we came inside, Lexi and I asked to go to the bathroom, and on our way walking back Lexi tripped over my shoes into the door, and I stumbled after her. It was pretty funny actually. When we were all seated Mr. Schick explained our next project and we went to work. We were told to work in a group of 3...but we kinda have a group of 5. Hopefully he won't mind. Well we will see how it goes. Till tomorrow.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Allies and Colonies

  • The Romans created a network of colonies along the Italian peninsula in order to create more control
  • When an army was defeated there was always more soldier to replace them
  • Roman colonists almost had the rights equivalent to Roman citizens
  • The people that weren't actually considered Roman citizens, like the people in Italy, wanted to be in on citizenship
  • Rome became an expanding, absorptive political entit

The Punic Wars

  • Rome created a rivalry with Carthage
  • Carthage is o the North Coast of Africa
  • Carthage had an interest in Sicily, creating tension between Rome and them
  • The Punic Wars- were located on land and/or sea. It was divided into 3 viscous parts
  • First Stage: Rome forced Carthage out of Cicily since they tried to take control of it
  • Second Stage: Hannibal, a Carthiginian general, invaded Italy. They defeated many Roman armies and almost totally defeated Rome, but thanks to the loyal allies in Italy and other Roman forces, Hannibal was defeated, getting overpowered by more man power
  • At the end of the 2nd Punic War Carthage was weak and defenseless
  • Third Stage: Out of fear of fear of the revival of Carthage, Rome took the upper hand while they could and they sold the citizens of Carthage into slavery.
  • Rome had complete control of the Mediterranean
Conquering an Empire
The first Roman provinces- the former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa
They were ruled as conquered lands by proconsuls
Proconsuls- governors- from the Latin words for "stand-in for a consul"
The provinces did not get to share in the benefits of Roman order until Augustus after 27 B.C.
In the previous 250 years the Romans had unified most of Italy
Rome started looking into the eastern Mediterranean to expand even more
Interests were in Greece
Greece city-states asked Rome for help in resisting the king of Macedonia
Rome sent an army
the army was only supposed to secure the liberties, but they got involved with the political affairs in admiration of the Hellenistic culture

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today in class Lexi and I did our pixton about Romulus and Remus. Romulus and Remus were brothers who were abandoned by their father. They were supposedly, by legend, raised by a she wolf and then Faustulus and Loba found them and raised them till adulthood. Romulus and Remus killed Amulius and then reestablished power with Numitor, their grandfather. Romulus decided to start his own empire and name it Roma after him. Remus started picking on Romulus, telling him his walls were too small. Romulus was so mad that he killed his brother in anger. Romulus continued with his empire, but all the people that lived their were criminals. They were not enough wives for them so they threw a party with a neighboring Italian tribe, the Sabines. During the party the men from Romulus's empire started taking the women for the Sabines. The Sabine tribe was so mad that they declared war but the women that grew fond of their husbands in Romulus's empire put a stop to it. Romulus then ruled with Titus Tatius.
P.S.- the link for the pixton is on Lexi's blog.

Monday, April 8, 2013


City-State and Empire: The Roman Republic
Italy and Its People
  • Italy started to grow and become stronger when tribes started moving in with them
  • Little tribes were formed in Italy
  • The Latins settled near Tiber River
  • Eventually Rome was formed by the Latin tribes
  • The Etruscans- non-Indo-European immigrants who came to Italy around the ninth century from the east
  • North of Rome the Etruscans gained control of the territory
  • For a time the Etruscan king conquered and ruled Rome
  • This is where Rome adopted things like gladiatorial combat
The Roman Republic: The Senate and the People
  • The Romans created their own political system
  • Rome's government used to be modeled after the Etruscan's government
  • A senate would advise the king
  • The Senate was made of patricians
  • Patricians- upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  • When a king died, a successor came from the Senate
  • Around 500 B.C., the Etruscan ways were overthrown
  • A republic government took over
  • Republic- in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision-making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens
  • The republic took on neither a Greek-style democracy nor an oligarchy, but an even mixture of both
Patricians and Plebeians
  • Plebians- The Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians
  • It had to be hereditary to belong in the Patrician society
  • In the early times of the Republic, it was run by a Senate
  • In the senate their were consuls, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors
  • the point of them was to avoid the government transitioning into a monarchy
  • In times of emergency the Senate could appoint a dictator, a single leader with full decision-making powers, appointed for a maximum six-months term during times of emergency.
"Mixed Government"
  • mixed oligarchic and democratic features
  • widely admired
  • ultimate leadership always was in the hands of the Senate

Things to know...
  • The Romans not only imitated Greek civilization but they improved it.
  • Italy was located in the Mediterranean sea, which is the "middle of the earth" so they were known as a very important country.
  • The Latins, Etruscans, and the Greeks came to Italy.
  • Our language came from the Latins.



  • Pausanius killed Phillip
  • King Darius the third was ruling Persia
  • Malaria, fever, alcohol poisoning
  • The battle in India Hydaspus
  • Alex conquered all of Egypt
  • "to the strongest"
  • Bucephulus