Monday, March 18, 2013

After Test Blog Assignment

Hellenistic-The Hellenistic Era  was when Greek civilization was the leading international culture but their way of life was also influenced by the peoples they ruled. Pertaining to or designating the style of the fine arts, especially sculpture, developed in the area conquered by Alexander the Great from the end of the 4th to the 1st century b.c., chiefly characterized by delicate and highly finished modeling, dramatic, often violent movement of forms in space, representations of extreme emotion, highly individuated characterization, and a wide variety of subject matter. 

I think the Athenians lost the Peloponnesian war because they weren't versatile. Their only strength was their Navy. They could put up a good fight over sea but that was about it. A huge army of triremes could only get you so far. They also had a huge number in deaths. Especially in men, who were fighting and losing most of their battles against Sparta. Plus about 2/3rds of the population died of the plague, including the leader of Athens himself. Without a leader Athens was "an unsteered trireme". They were bound to crash with no one at the wheel. Unqualified politicians tried to lead the city-state of Athens but that did not work out so well. Athens also had too many great enemies. They posed such a great threat when they were strong that their enemies took this chance to strike when they were weak. Persia actually combined forces with Sparta to end the Athenians. They Athenian's navy was destroyed and the grain that had been coming in on the boats was then cut off. The Athenians were sadly starved into surrender. Not a very fair way for the Spartans and Persians to win if you ask me. 
359- The king of Macedonia, King Phillip the second, takes control of Greece. 

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