Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today in class we watched more of the video. The video is really long but I honestly like it. The part of the video was mainly about Socrates. Socrates was an old man who was brave enough to publicly criticize the Greeks way of life. After he is arrested for this he is put on trial. They give him a chance to say he is sorry but instead he does the complete opposite. He tells the jury they should not be punishing but giving him free dinners for life and thanking him. He says that Athens is like a big and lazy horse and he is the horse fly. He has to bother the horse and constantly annoy it and sting it so it will get off its butt and move. After making that speech the jury votes and he is sentenced to death. There was only like a 20 vote difference between the people that voted him to live and the people that voted him to die. Socrates gracefully accepted his death by hemlock and perished proud and admired by his many young followers.

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