Thursday, January 24, 2013

Was Jared Diamond right with his theory of "geographic luck"?

Yes. I totally 100 percent believe this is true. The textbook says you need a successful system of cultivating plants, taming animals, and the ability to create technology that will help the plants and animals adapt to human needs (this is called the agricultural revolution). Well how can you have these things if you're little is set up in the middle of a desert that is suffering from drought. The cultivation of plants would be impossible considering there would be no soil and the land would be so dry that it would be impossible to plant anything, the desert would be deserted (pardon the pun) of animals because there would be no food, especially if the animal is a herbivore and there are no green life anywhere, and the technology that you make would be completely useless since you have no plants or animals...enough said. What a successful civilization needs is luck. Geographic luck to be specific. You want to have your civilization in a place like the fertile crescent where you can raise sheep and cows and horses and use them to their abilities. You can use their fur/wool to make clothing, you can use them for a food resource, you can use them for whatever they produce such as milk. And then they have babies and the process starts all over again. You need a place where you can plant wheat to make bread. or corn, squash, yams, rice, etc. The list is endless. You see if you don't have geographic luck maybe you will be forced into becoming a migrant worker. In my opinion I'd much rather settle down and have some time to make some pottery and stuff because I have a system worked out and I have extra time to do things like that. I would want to have time to learn from other civilizations about how they run their little village and I would want to have time to trade with them and become an advanced civilization for my day (And I'm acting like if I lived a long long time ago). So that is why I think Jared Diamond is right and I think if the textbook had a voice it would also agree.


  1. Nice work, Pahkah. You really made the connection between Diamond's theory and the textbook. Keep up the good work.

